As a community-focused provider of Galveston homeowner’s insurance, life insurance, auto insurance, and other needs for Galveston residents and businesses, Rochkind Insurance focuses on the personal needs of our neighbors in the place we all call home. But, our commitment to you and to Galveston Island doesn’t end with our personal insurance and commercial insurance services; we also believe in giving back to many of Galveston’s charities and community organizations, so we can partner in building a strong future for you, your family, and generations to follow.
We’d love it if you could join us in supporting these good folks along with us, in any way you’re able. Rochkind Insurance is proud to offer financial support to the following local organizations, while our very own Hal Rochkind has also donated his time to serve many of them.
- Galveston Island Meals on Wheels: Some Galveston Island residents are in their later years of life or live with illness and other mobility issues that prevent them from making nutritious meals for themselves. This can lead to food insecurity, as many of them are also on limited incomes. Galveston Island Meals on Wheels, of which Hal has previously served as president, ensures that our most vulnerable neighbors have not only the nourishing food they need, but also social interaction every weekday with the caring volunteers who keep them well fed – even on holidays.
- Galveston’s Own Farmers Market: The only thing better than fresh food bought directly from local farmers and producers is when that food comes from a market focused upon the betterment of our Galveston community. Galveston’s Own Farmer’s Market gives independent producers a place to sell their products while also offering nutrition education opportunities, support for school gardens, and other valuable initiatives, with a commitment to inclusion and building a healthy future for our neighbors and families.
- Rotary Club of Galveston Island: With a nearly 120-year-old history, the Rotary Club of Galveston Island is a local service organization with global reach that provides support to people around the world and right here in Galveston. With the motto “Service Above Self,” members support a variety of small local organizations and others that serve the greater good worldwide. Hal is a past president, Paul Harris Fellow, and former Rotarian of the Year for the organization.
- Galveston ISD Educational Foundation: Support for children is one of the most important ways to build a promising future for children in the public education system, and the Galveston Independent School District Educational Foundation (GEF) offers a chance for tomorrow’s leaders to excel regardless of their means. Hal Rochkind has previously served as president of the foundation in back-to-back years. Through grants and scholarships for educators and students in areas like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and Biomedical, this group secures resources including training and mentoring for teachers and students.
- Galveston Historical Foundation: Visitors and locals both know that Galveston’s history is beautifully preserved, making it a premier destination for lovers of history. A major organization working hard to ensure Galveston’s story is properly told – and experienced firsthand – is another for which Hal has served as president, the Galveston Historical Foundation. From the protection of historical landmarks to immersive events, the organization both guards and shares the history of one of the most historic and beautiful towns in the United States.
- United Way of Galveston: You may already know the United Way as a longstanding and respected charity organization. The United Way of Galveston embraces the cultural and economic diversity of Galveston and southeast Texas, connecting residents of all educational, social, and financial backgrounds with resources to help their families thrive. Hal was United Way’s campaign chair in 2018, raising more than $1 million for local charities that year.
- Galveston Little League: Participation in team sports builds cooperation, confidence, and countless other life skills that serve children well for their futures. We not only support Galveston Little League, we also personally coach children’s sports!
- La Izquierda Surf & Music Festival: Bringing together the best of Galveston and Gulf Coast arts, music, and culture, the La Izquierda Surf & Music Festival fosters fellowship, fun, creativity, celebration, and preservation of the health of Galveston’s beaches and waters.
Our Rochkind family has experienced the good times and the tough times in Galveston, and we’re here to ensure your security and help you give back to our community. Contact us today to learn about what we do, how we care, and the security we can offer you as our Galveston neighbor. We’d love to talk to you soon.